Inspire Now Clemtec, Inc.

“Stay In School Knowledge Is Everlasting”


Be Inspired, Stay in School, Acquire Knowledge, Your Future is Important

attending college

Knowledge is best acquired in the classroom, not in the street or suspension hall


School Is a Privilege.

We strives "to keep students in school, off the streets, out of trouble, out of jail, and to graduate"



Stay In School

The entire staff of Clemtec Inc. daily encourages students to stay in school. Today's culture requires innovations and a solid base in education. Teaching and learning are crucial elements, but they are insignificant if classrooms are troubled,disruptive, and students are not there to learn.


Some students have no school to learn in, other students have schools but will not go. No student deserves to be without an education. Their future is tied to knowledge , and their success directly or indirectly depends on it. Education is no longer just a key to success, its the entire framework for your future. If you want to be effective and successful in the 21st century,the message is simple-get an education, learn all you can, stay in school,be prepared for a changing future.


Stay in school!!! --some students wish they had your choice


Need A Motivational Speaker? Our CEO Comes Highly Recommended


To book Dr. J.T. Clemons, CEO contact us, or visit WWW.

apple"Every seed cannot be an acorn or grow into a mighty oak, but a giant and majestic red wood ain't bad."

Dr. J T Clemons